A United and Diverse Roman Catholic Parish
in the Diocese of Trenton and served by the Franciscan Friars Conventual
Readings for Liturgy: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/020925.cfm
Saturday, February 8, 2025
4:00 pm Sunday Vigil Mass (Fr. Michael)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Seaside Heights
4:30 pm Sunday Vigil Mass (Fr. Mitchell)
Saint Catharine of Siena Church, Seaside Park
Sunday, February 9, 2025
8:00 am Sunday Morning Mass (Fr. Mitchell)
Saint Catharine of Siena Church, Seaside Park
9:30 am Sunday Morning Mass (Fr. Michael) Livestream
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Seaside Heights
11:00 am Sunday Morning Mass (Fr. Mitchell)
Saint Catharine of Siena Church, Seaside Park
7:00 pm Misa en Español (Fr. Michael)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Seaside Heights
Saturday, February 8, 2025
1:00 pm Reconciliation with Individual Confessions at Saint Catharine of Siena Church (Fr. Mitchell)
3:00 pm Reconciliation with Individual Confessions at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church (Fr. Michael)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at Saint Catharine of Siena Church
Tuesday, Thursday, First Saturday at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
This is an extremely urgent request on behalf of the millions of people the Church serves every day. Last week, the Administration released an Executive Order pausing U.S. foreign assistance for a 90-day review period to ensure that all foreign aid is aligned with the Administration’s goals to make the U.S. safer, stronger, and more prosperous. Subsequently, almost all foreign aid and development programs have received immediate stop-work orders, interrupting the flow of life-saving assistance to vulnerable communities around the world.
We stand at a critical juncture with the lives of millions of our sisters and brothers and the stability of our international relationships at stake—a reality that beckons us to act swiftly and decisively to prevent untold suffering.
Catholic Relief Services has been working diligently to urge congressional engagement with the Administration to allow programs to operate throughout the review process. To amplify our efforts, I am asking you to contact your members of Congress to make clear the untold suffering this Executive Order will cause, and the impacts it is likely to have on the safety, security, and prosperity of the United States.
If you are ready to take your action further, please join in mobilizing people of good will across the United States by sharing this link (support.crs.org/act/foreign-aid-operations) with others in your community and inviting your networks to engage with Congress on this important issue.
One United Diverse Roman Catholic Parish with Two Churches

All Are Welcome!